Menu numérique QR sans contact
Créez un menu numérique pour votre restaurant ou bar. Engagez-vous davantage avec vos clients.
Leur mobile est votre menu maintenant!
La plate-forme la plus complète pour le menu numérique QR
Il existe des plates-formes où vous pouvez créer un code QR, mais pas de menu. Il existe des plateformes où vous pouvez créer un menu mais pas concevoir votre QR
Nous faisons les deux.

Créer un menu numérique
Créez votre menu directement sur notre plateforme. Mettez à jour à tout moment. Facile et simple
Modifications en temps réel
Organiser en catégories
Suppléments et variantes d'articles

Créer QR
8 modèles différents. Options de couleur illimitées. Choisissez le style QR et Flayer.
Beaux styles QR
Choisir la couleur QR
Imprimer des modèles à télécharger

Passer au numérique
Désormais, vos visiteurs utiliseront la caméra de leur téléphone portable pour accéder à votre menu.
Aucune application mobile requise
Menu en ligne Superfast - PWA
Afficher les analyses

Accept local orders
Your customers can order direclty from their phone
Real-time sound notifications
Continues orders
Unlimmited options, variants, and extras

Accept payments
Your customers can pay order directly via card
Accept any Credit and Debit card
Get paid immidiatly via Stripe Connect
Secure online payments

Customer Log
Lot of countries, have legal requiriment to keep log of their customers, for covid tracking reasons
Customers can register them selfs
Manage the visits on your own
Powerfull export / report functionality
Tarification simple
Commencez gratuitement et tombez amoureux de nos fonctionnalités pro
If you run small restaurant or bar, or just need the basics, this plan is a great.
- Full access to QR tool
- Full access to menu creation tool
- Unlimited views
- 5 items in menu
- Community support
If you run small restaurant or bar, or just need the basics, this plan is a great.
- Full access to QR tool
- Full access to menu creation tool
- Unlimited views
- 21 items in menu
- Community support
Golden (QR Only)
For bigger restaurants and bars. Offer full menu. Limitless plan
- Full access to QR tool
- Full access to menu creation tool
- Unlimited views
- Unlimited items in menu
- Dedicated Support
Diamond (QR+Ordering)
Same as Golden, with 20% discount. Enjoy your QR menu full year.
- Full access to QR tool
- Full access to menu creation tool
- Unlimited views
- Unlimited items in menu
- Dedicated Support
Restaurants and Bars that love our QRs
Used by top restaurants worldwide

"The menu is simply beautiful, with a professional design. You can also add high quality images of your dishes if you want. You can also add information, ingredients, labels and more to each product. It’s very user friendly and the support team is second to none!"
- Tonmoy chakraborty Kolkata
"It is by far the best QR code generator out there. We had a project that involve a large amount of QR codes. Thank you! In the future if we ever need a first class QR code generator, you will be the company we go with! Thank you again!"
- Rajesh haldar Delhi
"You can simply tell people to visit your online menu by giving them the link. Have the awasome hitechqr.com from yourself and experience the power of technology of contactless menu."
- Jessica Sabnam Kolkata
"Create a unique QR code where you can easily change or update the code’s content any time you want. People scan the QR code and the menu is opened immediately. No downloads required and no registrations."
- Gopi NathMumbai